Enbridge – Crude Tank Construction
Location: Stockbridge, Michigan
Matrix NAC was awarded the construction of 5 crude tanks for Enbridge in Stockbridge, MI. Matrix NAC self-performed the final 20% scope of work. The civil site scope to accommodate new tanks included approximately 300,000 direct Matrix NAC man hours.
direct man hours
223' x 56' cone roof tanks with ringwall foundations
CMC supports installed beneath tank
Scope of Work
- Construction of five 223' x 56' aboveground storage tanks including ringwall foundation, internal floating roofs for each one
- Installation of 1,100 subgrade controlled modulus column (CMC) supports beneath northernmost tank to overcome inadequate subsurface layer
- Hydrotesting
- Painting tanks
- Cut/fill to balance 20 acre site
- Protection of existing pipelines crossing site
- Approximately 300,000 direct Matrix NAC man hours
Matrix NAC
Stockbridge, Michigan
Aboveground storage tanks