Enbridge – Flanagan Station Tanks & Balance of Plant – 2016
Location: Pontiac, IL
Matrix NAC has a decade long-standing strategic alliance agreement with Enbridge providing engineering, fabrication, procurement, and construction of critical infrastructure across the United States and Canada. With over 200,000 people hours executed, the alliance has allowed Matrix to complete projects such as tank construction, terminal construction, rail loading/unloading, mechanical, electrical, maintenance, and repair work.
The Flanagan Terminal project was broken into two phases. Phase I was the construction and installation of six open-top tanks. Phase II was the station balance-of-plant (BOP) mechanical/electrical.
Phase I: Tank Construction:
- EPC of (6) 223’ diameter steel open-top tanks with external floating roofs
- Painted exterior shells, interior 3’ of shells, and bottom of tanks
- Hydro-tested
Phase II: Station BOP Mechanical/Electrical:
- Foundations and 48” above-grade pipe manifold
- 10,000LF of 48” UG piping
- Installed new 3000hp mainline pump
- Replaced (2) existing mainline pumps
- Installed foundations and new 600hp booster pump
- Replaced (2) existing booster pumps
- Installed tank base concrete foundations
people hours
commitment to safety
mainline pump